Making home working work for you

While working from home takes the commute out of your day, it can be hard to stay focused as you try to carve out a clear workspace that feels separate from home. 

Here are ways you can use your space more effectively without falling into distraction.

Establish your work hours

You may not be tied to office hours anymore, but it’s important that you maintain a healthy schedule to follow everyday. 

To protect your work-life balance, it’s important that you protect your boundaries and stick to fixed working hours as much as possible. Even though you’re working from home now, this can still be challenging.

Make the transition into work mode a little easier by establishing a solid morning routine. Start by getting out of your pyjamas and changing into an outfit that reflects your role.

This works for both ends of the day. If you find it hard to switch off at the end of the day, why not try out a ‘post-work wind down’ routine? You might find it makes the shift from work mode to home mode a bit clearer. Remember, work hours are there for a reason.

Make a dedicated space

Working from home means there is little shortage of comfort. But it can be an easy habit to want to lay under the covers of a comfy bed with your laptop, even when you have important business to finish. 

Try to set aside a space to work away from anything that’s likely to distract you, such as the TV or the fridge.

Timekeeping and the right space will effectively let your mind know it’s at work and allow you to concentrate on getting things done.

Take time out

As important as it is to keep regular working hours, it’s perhaps more important to take breaks if and when you need them. 

How long you need to take is entirely up to you. If you need five minutes away from the screen or thirty, you know what works best for you.

In fact, taking a walk has been shown to improve cognitive skills. Why not step away from the desk, and find a park or route to walk when you need some mojo.

Stay in contact

Networking can be so much more than just a way to build your business. It allows you to keep in touch with people who are going through the same challenges and experiences as you. 

If you’re struggling with something in particular, it can feel like you’re the only person in the world who can face it, but it’s simply not true. 

Let people in your networking community know what’s going on. Even if you’re just feeling down, let somebody know. 

This can grow bonds with someone beyond businesses. Many people end up making long-lasting friends.

Working from home can be more of an adjustment than expected, but by following these tips, hopefully, you’ll feel more comfortable working from home. 

If you’d like to connect with other home workers and grow your network, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.


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