How do you prepare for a networking event?

You’ve been invited to go along to a networking event, whether that's an online or a face to face event, you haven’t been before so how do you prepare for a networking event? There are lots of things to consider before going to an event, here’s just a few. 

Format of the event

The format of the event will have some bearing on how you prepare. If it’s a formal event where you are expected to introduce yourself to the whole group then you will need to prepare your ‘pitch’. This is where you will have a set length of time in which to tell the other attendees about your business. You can be creative, but whatever you do, don’t just quote your job title. For example, don’t say  ‘I’m an Accountant’ this just tells people what you are, not what you do for your customers. Tell them what you do and the problems you solve for your customers, share instances where you have helped your clients to achieve great results by working with you. 

If it’s a more relaxed event you probably won’t be expected to stand up in front of everyone and deliver your pitch, but when you are chatting with the other attendees, someone will ask the dreaded question ‘what do you do?’. I suggest you don’t launch into a speech you’ve memorised verbatim but have in your mind a few key things that you want to say. Similar to the formal pitch, share ways you have helped your clients but do it in a more conversational way. 

Keeping the conversation flowing 

Once you have introduced yourself, whether that’s to the whole group or to a smaller group at a more relaxed event there will come a time when you need to keep the conversation flowing. It can be awkward if there are long silences and people don’t know what to say, I’m sure we have all been in that scenario and wanted to make our excuses and leave. But, why not be the one to get the conversation buzzing? 

By having a bank of ‘open’ questions up your sleeve you’ll get people talking and interacting with you and each other. By asking ‘who’ and ‘what’ questions it will open up opportunities for discussion and the conversation will flow. ‘Closed’ questions will inevitably mean one word replies and you’ll need to start the conversation over again. 

Two ladies chatting at a business networking event

What to wear

This is where a lot of people struggle. My suggestion is wear what you feel comfortable in. By that I don’t mean your PJ’s! (although it’s tempting).

Clothes can make or break our confidence and as much as we want to dress correctly for the occasion, it’s no good donning a suit and tie guys if your normal work wear is jeans and a tee. You’ll just not feel right and you’ll constantly be pulling at your tie or sweating profusely because you’re just so uncomfortable. Same for us ladies, we all know how the wrong clothes can affect our mood, if we don’t feel right it shows.

lady trying clothes on

Final thoughts

Networking shouldn’t be a chore, as with most things in life, preparation is the key. Have some questions ready, know how you are going to introduce yourself and wear what makes you feel good.

Remember, everyone is there with the same intention as you, and that is to meet new people. Give yourself permission to talk to strangers, put your big pants on and don’t be shy. You’ll thank yourself later. For more ideas on how to stand out at a networking event read our blog HERE. then visit one of our events.


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