How business networking works

Ok, so you’re thinking about going business networking, you’ve heard great things about how you can get more business, but you’re not sure how. Read on to find out how business networking works. 

Networking isn’t a quick fix.

Firstly, let me say that business networking isn’t a quick fix to getting new clients or customers. It’s more of a slow burn that develops over time, gaining momentum as time progresses. 

So what’s it all about? 

Networking is a way to get your business on the map, getting people to notice you but it’s definitely not about selling your product or service from the get-go. Networking is about building relationships that will last over time so that when your connections are out and about networking and someone mentions they might be looking for whatever it is you do or sell, you are front of mind for them and they recommend you. 

When we come highly recommended by someone, there’s more chance that person will want to find out more and buy from you. How many times have you asked friends or family to recommend a good plumber, electrician or hairdresser? You want a good job doing so you ask others who do they know who’s done a good job for them. Makes sense doesn’t it? 

Networking isn’t all about you

Although we’d like to get business for ourselves from networking, getting business for other people in our networking can be a very satisfying feeling. As human beings we naturally  love to help people and we get a buzz from doing so. Looking out for ways to connect people in your network is a skill in itself, it’s hard to teach but it can be learnt through practice and by actively listening to the conversations you are having. By helping people, eventually you will reap the rewards when other people help you in return.

Large cross covering someone hand who is pointing

At an event

I’ll not go into too much detail about being at an event but you can check out one of our previous blogs about what to bring to a networking event so you’ll be prepared when you attend your first event. Also our Networking faux-pas to avoid will help you to know the etiquette and what to expect when you go networking.

Formats vary from event to event and i suggest you try several different types so that you can find one where you are comfortable, feel relaxed with like-minded people at a time, frequency and place that suits you best. 


The fortunes in the follow up

It’s all very well meeting lots of people at an event but if you don’t follow up after an event you’ve wasted your time. Following up is where the magic begins, you’ll start to develop those all important relationships that will lead to opportunities. Not just for more business opportunities but maybe open up avenues for teaming up with collaboration partners, new suppliers or a chance to present and share your knowledge. The benefits of networking are endless but if you don’t follow up, you’ll never know. 


So there you have it, an overview of what networking is all about. If you’d like to try any of our events check out our Networking Events page HERE we’d love to see you.


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