Finding Confidence in the World of Networking -Overcoming Networking Nerves

Do you break into a cold sweat at the thought of attending a networking event? Or does the idea of starting a conversation with a stranger fill you with dread? Don't worry; it’s not just you! Networking can be daunting, especially for the nervous networker. However, for both your personal and professional life it's an essential skill. In our blog, we'll share some practical tips and strategies to overcoming anxiety to become a more confident networker.

Understanding networking anxiety

You're bound to feel anxious, it’s a common challenge that lots of people face. We all want to make a good impression but deep down we’re probably dreading rejection. These feelings can make us nervous and then it all becomes a vicious circle. It’s like with anything we do, if it’s out of our comfort zone our natural response is anxiety. But don’t worry, you can learn a few simple tips that will help you to manage your emotions.

Preparation is key

One of the best ways to combat anxiety is through preparation, as with most things in life, preparation is the key. Do some research before you attend an event, find out more about the attendees, are they business owners or employees, what’s the format of the meeting? Do you need to prepare a 60 second pitch or is a more casual event? Having a conversation starter or a few questions in your back pocket can significantly reduce the pressure.

Practice makes perfect

We all know that practice makes perfect, so don’t be put off, keep trying and it will get easier. The more you do something the easier it becomes, and those nerves will start to melt away.  Begin by networking in a relaxed environment, where there isn’t any pressure to deliver a pitch or bring referrals. Social gatherings, meetups, or even online networking groups are a great place to start. Don’t forget that networking isn't just about transactional business; it's about building meaningful relationships, so focus on connecting with people and getting to know them.

Set realistic goals

Networking is a slow burn, so set realistic goals for yourself. You can’t expect to walk out of an event with a new client or job offer. Aim for more achievable targets, such as having three meaningful conversations or collecting contact information from two people who share your interests. Setting attainable goals will help you stay focused and reduce the pressure.

Positive self-talk and visualization

Your mindset plays a huge role in your networking success. Before the event, practice positive self-talk and visualization. Focus on your strengths and capabilities and visualize yourself confidently engaging in conversations and making connections. It’s a proven fact that this type of activity can really boost your self-confidence.

Breathing and relaxation techniques

When anxiety starts to creep in, focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths to calm your nerves. To stay calm and lower your anxiety, you can also use relaxation methods like progressive muscle relaxation or mindfulness meditation before you enter the event. Here are some more tips.

Seek support

Remember that you don't have to go it alone. Reach out to friends, family, or a mentor for support and guidance. Sharing your fears and challenges with someone you trust can be incredibly therapeutic. They can offer advice, encouragement, and sometimes just a listening ear.

Conclusion: Your path to networking confidence

In conclusion, it is possible to overcome anxiety if you are a nervous networker. It simply requires a bit of preparation, practice, and a positive mindset. Setting yourself realistic goals, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking support are all small things you can do to help you gain confidence in the networking world.

Working on your networking skills is a gradual process. So, celebrate small victories along the way and don't be too hard on yourself. Each interaction and event you attend is an opportunity for growth and improvement. Download our Business Networking Checklist to get Networking ready!



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