What to bring with you to a networking event

When it comes to networking events, preparation is key to getting what you want from the event to meet your goals and objectives. Networking events are all about making genuine connections and, hopefully, opening the door to new clients. 

Good preparation is half the battle. Set yourself up for success and follow our tips on what you should be bringing with you to make the most of your networking experiences.

The right outfit  

First impressions matter. That’s no different at a networking event. Make sure you choose an appropriate outfit for the event you’re going to. 

No one wants to be the person rocking up in a three piece suit at a casual event. But you also don’t want to be in shorts at a suit and tie do either. 

95% of people agree that face to face communication is vital for business, so making a good impression is key.

Above all, make sure you’re comfortable. Wear something that makes you feel relaxed and confident in front of potential clients. 

Business cards

The role of business cards is changing in networking, but they still have their place. 57% believe they’re still an important tool for networking. 

You don’t want to be bringing hundreds of cards with you that are likely to end up thrown away. Digital business cards are a great alternative, better for the environment and more accessible. They’re quickly filling the role of their paper predecessors. Check out mine HERE and invest in your own. 

Promotional materials 

In an ideal world, networking events will connect you with people keen to learn more about your business. 

Although we don’t advocate taking loads of flyers and promotional materials, having something at the ready allows you to show off what you’re all about. 

Remember though, you don’t need reams of paper to make a good impression. Something concise and impactful is just right. 

The right attitude 

Top of your list and the most important thing to bring is the right attitude.

Networking is all about meeting people and learning about them. Everyone can tell if you’re not engaged or just going through the motions. If you take a genuine interest in their business, they’ll likely take an interest in yours. 

Networking is a game of give and take. 

When it comes to meeting people and making connections, nerves and anxiety can get the better of everyone sometimes. Entering networking events with a positive mindset and ready to receive people can help you to take advantage of great networking opportunities. 

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail in networking. Putting your best foot forward and setting yourself up for success from the minute you enter a networking event is all down to how well you prepare. 

To see what we can do to help you level up your networking and make better connections, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us


Improving your confidence at networking events


Networking faux-pas to avoid