Improving your confidence at networking events

Confidence is something we all struggle with sometimes. When you’re facing a room of people you want to connect with, nerves can certainly make an appearance. 

Effective networking is key for any business and learning how to do it properly only leads to benefits for you and your business. You don’t need to avoid networking events or muddle through them with gritted teeth. 

With our tips you can start making useful connections and begin great relationships.

Preparation is key 

Being prepared is the best way to get over networking nerves. Nothing makes you feel more confident than knowing your stuff. Bringing clear, relevant information can give you the peace of mind that if the worst comes to worst you’ve got something to talk about. 

It’s always useful to get as much information about the event itself as possible, including the people attending, so you can prioritise your time and who would be most useful to build a connection with. That way, you’re not left wandering around a room full of strangers.

Keep a bank questions you might want to ask your new connections. A bit of time thinking about what might pop up can save you from an embarrassing moment. Have a look at our blog on what to bring to a networking event for more preparation tips. 

Take a friend 

If the prospect of going to a networking event alone is filling you with dread, consider taking a friend along with you. 

Knowing at least one friendly face will be there often makes it easier to settle in and get over any awkwardness. Use them for support but try not to use them as a crutch. Make your own connections and start your own conversations. 


Networking events aren’t all about being the loudest person in the room. There's as much to be gained from active listening as there is from talking. 

Asking open ended questions and truly listening can lead to meaningful conversations and useful connections. 

Bring some ice breakers 

Nothing will sap your confidence quicker than awkward silences. 

Having some icebreakers and conversation starters ready to go can help you keep the conversation flowing. Ice breaking isn’t just a good opening line. It’s about coming across as open and genuine. 

Remember that networking is a two way street. Everyone is there to get noticed. Don’t get swept up in trying to be something you’re not and “faking it until you make it”. 

As long as you come across as comfortable and approachable, the rest will follow. Remember, everyone is there for the same reason. You won’t be the only one feeling nervous. 

If you need some more top tips on how to present yourself at a networking event, check out our other blog content and see what we can do to help you network more effectively. 


Don’t let the ‘liking gap’ stop you from networking


What to bring with you to a networking event