How to pick the right networking group for you

How to pick the right networking group for you


Networking groups are a fantastic way to meet new professionals, get to know other businesses in your industry, and boost your brand. In fact, as Forbes mentions, one study suggests networking is vital to the success of 78% of startups. 


That’s why it’s really important that the group you’re investing the time and money in is the right fit. So let’s take a look at how to pick the right networking group for you and your business.

Attend more than one meeting. 

This helps you to get a real feel for the group. No one meeting is the same. It’s important to try a few before you decide which one is. 


You’ll be able to tell a lot about the group by the way they interact with you and each other. You know what they say, the more data you have, the more reliable the results. 


You’ll also get a feel for when and where the group meets. Obviously right now, all networking meetings will be done remotely, but timing is still an important factor. Are they flexible with meetings or will you need to put that time aside for the group? If so, can you do that? 


And when things do eventually open back up again, is the meeting place somewhere you can get to easily? You don’t want to be wasting hours driving to and fro. 

Talk to other members in the group.

Who knows a group better than its members? Ask them how long they’ve been involved, if they’ve gained anything meaningful from the group, would they recommend the group as a networking hub?


A lot can be learned from doing a little digging. You then have a bigger picture that will help you make the decision.

Look at the values.

This is a biggie. What do they stand for? And does that resonate with you? It really helps if a networking group shares the same values as you do. That way, you’re going to meet more like-minded people who want to get the same thing out of the group.


Remember when we mentioned different types of networkers? If you’re a giver, you don’t want to be in a group filled with a load of askers or takers. You’d burn out. Make sure you’re getting involved with a group that can give to you what you can give to them.


On the back of this, it’s also worth looking at what the group expects from you. Are you looking for a group that will hold you accountable, push you to achieve goals and all that jazz? Or are you looking for a group that’s more laid back. More laissez-faire, as it were. Both have their benefits, but it’s worth thinking about which kind will benefit you the most.

Want to check out In Business? 

If you’re interested in joining a networking group, then why not join one of our meetings? We love making new connections, so it’d be great to see you there! Simply get in touch with us today if you’d like to check us out.



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